10-Step SEO Audit Process To Google Rankings

SEO audit

You can’t take considerable action without measurable data. This goes double when it comes to getting your website to rank through search engine optimization efforts.

An SEO audit reveals what’s working and what isn’t.

It will help you save money by tossing out what’s underperforming. And, lets you double down on the things that do. When doing an SEO audit you will need to follow a number of steps in order to fix any technical SEO issues.

Keep reading to learn the steps involved in fixing your SEO issues.

10 steps to fixing your SEO issues

1. On-page SEO – Make sure each page is properly coded according to search engine standards: SEO-friendly URLs SEO friendly XML sitemaps SEO meta tags SEO title tags, and web page load speed.

2. Off-page SEO – Inbound links from other websites to your website are a great way to improve the current page rank of any given web page on the Internet. This is because search engine algorithms rely heavily on linking, and it’s no secret that more links mean a higher ranking. The best approach for off-page SEO is to focus on generating high-quality, relevant links that are coming from trusted websites.

3. Mobile SEO – With Google’s updated mobile algorithm taking effect this April, it is more important than ever to make sure your website is compatible with all mobile device software applications. This means testing the user experience for mobile compatibility, and making sure your website is mobile responsive.

4. Local SEO – When it comes to the SEO audit process, local SEO is an important aspect of SEO that affects the overall SEO ranking of a specific web page on Google’s search engine results page platform. This means businesses need to make sure they are using their correct NAP (name, address, and phone number) on every page of their website.

7. Keyword Research SEO – The next step in the 10-step SEO audit process for Google rankings is to research your keyword list. To do this, you need to take a look at what your competition is doing and make sure you are using the same keywords and/or phrases. You can also utilize keyword research tools such as Google’s Keyword Planner to see which terms your competitors are targeting, and what type of search volume they currently receive.

8. Title Tag SEO – A title tag is an HTML element that tells the search engines (and website visitors) what a web page is about. It will be displayed as a clickable link on Google’s search engine results page. The best way to approach title tags is to use the keywords and phrases you researched in your keyword list, and then include them at the beginning of your title tag.

9. Meta Description Tag SEO – A meta description is a short paragraph that gives website visitors information about the page they are clicking on. It will be displayed directly below your title tag on the search engine results page. Like title tags, well-written meta descriptions use keywords and phrases to describe what a web page is about, but it also uses persuasive writing techniques to convince people to click through your link.

10. Content SEO – Search engine algorithms take into consideration many different factors when ranking a web page, and the quality of your content is no exception. When it comes to the 10-step SEO audit process for Google rankings, well-written content is one of the most important aspects to consider. Content should be unique and follow a specific structure to gain a high search engine ranking. Well-written content includes the use of keywords and phrases, but it also goes beyond that by including information that’s valuable to your target audience or leads.