Facebook Legal Department

While the legal industry is grappling with slow progress in improving diversity and representation, and some see recent potential talent as a way to solve systemic problems, Facebook is leading the way with two programs added to its longer summer experience. Recognize outstanding legal achievements focused at the national level, primarily on leading lawyers and in-house departments. LexisNexis® and Bloomberg Law are external online distributors of ALM`s extensive collection of current and archived versions of legal news publications. LexisNexis® and Bloomberg Law clients may access and use ALM content, including content from the National Law Journal, The American Lawyer, Legaltech News, New York Law Journal and Corporate Counsel, as well as other sources of legal information. Working in Facebook`s legal department has always been difficult. After all, Facebook is the dominant social network in more than 130 countries, each with its own laws and regulations. License our cutting-edge legal content to strengthen your thought leadership and brand. The social media giant has launched the latest versions of two 2019 programs designed to bring aspiring lawyers from underrepresented backgrounds directly into the internal world. “What Facebook has done — it`s actually quite amazing — is unite conservatives and liberals on their hatred of Facebook,” said Jay Edelson, CEO of Edelson.

“Sometimes the solutions are just superficial,” said Allen Lo, Facebook`s deputy. “They feel good, but they don`t actually do anything. We know we need diversity in the team to find the best solutions. To view this content, please continue with their websites. If you have any questions, call 1-877-256-2472 or contact us at [email protected] But now, the company`s lawyers are facing problems in a whole different league after revelations from a whistleblower who examined Facebook`s business practices around the world.