Law Enforcement of Malawi

An Act respecting the organization, administration and general powers, duties and functions of the Malawi Police Service; the modalities of operation of the Police Services Board and the recruitment, appointment, promotion and discipline of police officers; establish an independent complaints commission as a specialized body to receive, hear and make recommendations on public complaints against police officers; make provision for the regulation of public order with regard to meetings, public parades and demonstrations, and football matches; make arrangements for community policing; provide for a programme of non-professional visits enabling Community laymen to carry out inspection visits to police stations to verify the condition of persons detained there; Part I – Preliminary Note 1. Short title This law may be called overriding mandatory law.2. The Malawi Police Service established under Chapter XV of the Constitution shall operate in accordance with the provisions of this Act, in addition to the provisions of this Chapter.4. General tasks of the police service 1. The Police Service is deployed within and throughout Malawi to: (a)the prevention, detection, investigation and detection of criminal offences;(b)the arrest and prosecution of offenders;(c)the maintenance of law and order;(d)the protection of life, property, fundamental freedoms and the rights of persons;(e)the proper enforcement of all laws; (f)the exercise or exercise of any other powers, duties and duties conferred on the police by or under this Act or any other written Act, or which may be exercised, exercised or otherwise exercised by the police. (2) For the performance of any of the duties referred to in subsection (1), the police have the right to carry and use weapons, but may use such weapons only if this or any other Act so permits.5.