Marco Legal De La Educacion Bolivariana

10 Committee on Security and Integrated Defence It is the body responsible for implementing prevention, security, defence and protection measures within the framework of responsibility and co-responsibility, guided by values of respect, reflection and participation, among others. It includes mothers, fathers, representatives and managers, students, teachers, managers, administrative employees, administrative employees, workers, workers and community organizations. Committee on the Environment, Nutrition Integral Health It is the body responsible for promoting actions aimed at promoting, preventing, preserving and preserving the environment in favour of integral health, guided by values of fraternity, responsibility, co-responsibility, cooperation and coexistence within the framework of solidarity. It includes mothers, fathers, representatives and managers, students, teachers, managers, administrative staff, workers, workers and community organizations. 5 Resolution 058 – Official Gazette No. 40Official Journal Decision No. of October RESOLUTION 058 ESTABLISHING THE RULES AND WORKING PROCEDURE OF THE EDUCATION COUNCIL (MINISTRY OF PEOPLE`S POWER FOR EDUCATION) OBJECTIVE With the greatest commitment based on ethical, moral, humanistic and cultural values, this resolution aims to democratize school administration, based on the socio-political model of participation and protagonist. our Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (1999). This means that key actors and others responsible for the educational process actively participate in issues of interest to a particular educational community by organizing groups of students, teachers, parents and representatives, principals, whose spokespersons of the Education Council are directly involved in the administration of the school and thus in decision-making; and the establishment of the necessary liaison vessels between the school or lyceum and the place where they are inserted, thus promoting training for the full exercise of the new citizenship. The establishment of the Board of Education is also intended to develop solutions to the problems that arise in each educational institution, even beyond the walls of the school grounds.

This proposal is the result of a process of systematization of what has been presented and discussed in working groups at local, regional and national levels. 6 Basic provisionsThe Board of Education is governed by this resolution, which sets out the rules and procedures to be followed by its members. The State, through the Ministry of People`s Power of Education, as the competent governing body in the basic education subsystem, guarantees the integral and continuing education of students, parents, representatives, managers, teachers, administrative employees, workers and workers of educational institutions, as well as the development of the creative potential of all key actors in the educational process. Ensure the implementation of all regulated measures related to school administration. Definition of the Board of Education The Board of Education is the social, democratic, responsible and co-responsible executive body for the management of public education policy in inter-institutional and inter-institutional articulation and with other social organizations in educational institutions. It is conceived as the set of social groups linked to educational centers within the constitutional framework and the competences of the teaching state. Its members will act in the educational process in accordance with the provisions of the laws governing the Venezuelan education system, based on the doctrine of our liberator Simón Bolívar. Article 4 Education of the Board of Education The Board of Education is composed of parents, representatives, managers, pupils, teachers, administrators, employees of educational institutions, from initial education to general and technical secondary education and all modalities of the basic education subsystem. Natural and legal persons, spokespersons of the various community organizations associated with educational institutions, may also be part of the educational community. 7 Student Committee and Council They are entities formed by the spokespersons of the main actors of the school process to perform specific functions, to respond to the needs and development of opportunities of the educational community, in co-responsibility with the principles and values established in the Organic Law of Education (LOE 2009) and other binding laws. They also articulate and promote the participation and integration of educational, community and social organizations to guarantee the right to comprehensive and quality education for all and all committees composed of speakers previously elected and elected by all key actors of the educational process, proposed and proposed before the school assembly, to submit them for approval or not to the majority of the participants in this meeting.