What Is Definition of Lieutenant

Lieutenant is pronounced “loo-TEN-unt”. If you`re confused about all these vowels, blame the French, as the word comes from the French words lieu, meaning “place,” and tenant means “to hold.” A lieutenant is someone who holds the position of authority for the person who really has it. If you`re starting a super secret club, consider choosing someone as a lieutenant who can hold meetings when you`re not around. Subsequently, Mallott`s replacement as lieutenant governor, Davidson, delivered the keynote address. In 2010, he finished second in the race for lieutenant governor with 39 percent. “I think it`s just enough for Guitar to believe, instead of that aspiring lieutenant,” Harry said. The allegations, detailed by her and two other prisoners in the case, also involved a lieutenant who, according to the inmates, had been promoted even after women complained. A lieutenant is an officer of the armed forces or police who can take command when his superiors are not there. Perhaps, she thought, the governor and lieutenant governor were planning to offer her a job in the state government. As lieutenant governor, Mallott still lived in Juneau and had long used the luxury hotel for extended stays and as a second office in Anchorage, friends said. Giannandrea doesn`t have a clear lieutenant, so if he were to leave Apple, it`s unclear who would replace him or if Apple would reinstate the unit in the software engineering department.

He ran on a serious platform: the elimination of the position of lieutenant governor. Find out which words work together and create more natural English with the Oxford Collocations Dictionary app. The lieutenant rode with pleasure from the fact that Colonel Guitar agreed with his views. Find the answers online with Practical English Usage, your go-to guide to problems in English. Middle English, from Anglo-French lieutenant, from liu + holding holding, from tenÄre Latin to thin Join our community to access the latest language learning and assessment tips from Oxford University Press!.