Legal Size File Folder Labels

Keep your files organized, neat and professional with a large collection of Avery folder labels. They can be easily customized with free printable templates on the Avery website or by hand. Simply choose from a variety of styles, colors, and sizes to meet the needs of your organization. Avery makes it easy to customize and print your folder labels from almost any computer or tablet. Simply enter your product number, select a template, customize it and print it. It`s as simple as that. Head over to Avery to get started. Make it easy to identify your folders Ideal for color-encoding your files. Для защиты нашего сообщества и торговой площадки Etsy предпринимает меры для соблюдения режимов санкций. Например, Etsy запрещает участникам пользоваться своими аккаунтами в определенных географических регионах.

If we have reason to believe that you are operating your account from an authorized location, such as one of the sanctions listed above, or if you otherwise violate economic or business restrictions, we may suspend or terminate your use of our Services. As a general rule, participants are not allowed to offer, buy or sell products from regions sanctioned for sale. This includes products that appeared before the sanctions, as we do not have the ability to verify whether they have been moved to a prohibited location. Etsy reserves the right to require sellers to provide additional information, indicate the country of origin of the product on the product page, or take other steps to comply with it. We may deactivate products or cancel transactions that may violate this policy. Economic sanctions and trade restrictions may apply and vary to your use of the Services, so Members should periodically review sources of information about sanctions. For legal advice, please consult a qualified professional. For example, these restrictions generally prohibit but are not limited to transactions involving the following parties: This policy applies to all people who use our Services, regardless of their location. The decision to familiarize yourself with such restrictions is yours. Etsy provides a direct connection between buyers and sellers around the world. If you use the Etsy Services (we refer to, Pattern by Etsy, our mobile applications, and other services with our “Services”), you are responsible for compliance with these Policies, regardless of your location.

Design online with your PC or Mac – no download required. This policy forms part of our Terms of Use. By using our Services, you agree to this Policy and our Terms of Service. As a U.S. multinational operating in other countries, Etsy must comply with economic sanctions and trade restrictions, including those imposed by the U.S. Treasury Department`s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). This means that Etsy or anyone using our Services cannot deal with specific people, places, or products from locations determined by government agencies such as OFAC, in addition to trade sanctions imposed by applicable laws and regulations. To calculate the total number of stars and the percentage distribution per star, we do not use a simple average.

Instead, our system takes into account things like updating a review and whether the reviewer purchased the item on Amazon. It also analyzed reviews to check for reliability. Customer reviews, including star ratings of products, help customers learn more about the product and decide if it`s right for them. Resources: U.S. Department of the Treasury; Bureau of Industry and Security of the United States Department of Commerce; U.S. Department of State; Commission of the European Union. In addition to complying with OFAC requirements and applicable local laws, Etsy members should be aware that other countries may impose their own trade restrictions and that certain items may not be permitted to be exported or imported under international law. If people from different countries are involved in a transaction, you should study the laws of the relevant countries.

Finally, Etsy members should be aware that third-party payment processors such as PayPal can independently track transactions for compliance and block transactions as part of their own compliance programs.